Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding: The (In)humanities, Artistic Practices, and Planetary Crisis—A special issue of the journal Studies in Social Justice  – Racialized Ecologies

Racialized Ecologies

Documentary | Speculative | Poetic

Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding: The (In)humanities, Artistic Practices, and Planetary Crisis—A special issue of the journal Studies in Social Justice 


The issue is titled “Vol. 18 No. 4 (2024): Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding: The (In)humanities, Artistic Practices, and Planetary Crisis” and is guest edited by The Reckoning, Repairing, and Reworlding Collective (Jesse Arsenault, Tayah Clarke, Linzey Corridon, Feisal Kirumira, Susie O’Brien, Jane Sewali-Kirumira, Susan Spearey (co-ordinating editor), Helene Strauss, Nandini Thiyagarajan & Andrea Vela-Alarcón). Cover image: “To Marsh” by Andrea Vela-Alarcón.

“In this Special Issue, we explore the capacity of creative practice, imaginative co-creation, and humanities enquiry to contribute to decolonial reckoning as a step toward feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and multilingual repair and reworlding. What follows includes contributions from those broadly working under the umbrella of the humanities, but who nevertheless live in tension with the subject position to which it conventionally aspires and through which it traditionally administers and gatekeeps knowledge. The three terms guiding our enquiry – namely reckoning, repairing, reworlding – are motivated by a decolonial ethics animating alternative pathways for living, dying, being, caring, and feeling otherwise amid a planetary crisis centuries in the making” (Spearey et al. 658). – From “Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding: The (In)humanities, Artistic Practices, and Planetary Crisis (Guest Editors’ Introduction).”