Racialized Ecologies

Documentary | Speculative | Poetic

Suburb Nation

Suburb Nation, ACCUTE Conference | McGill University | June 12-15, 2024

Cheryl Lousley, Lakehead University, clousley@lakeheadu.ca

Zishad Lak, Lakehead University, zlak@lakeheadu.ca

Paul Barrett, University of Guelph, barrettp@uoguelph.ca

Panel Proposal: Suburb Nation

If Canada is a suburban nation, what are its suburban stories? What dreams and diasporas land immigrant communities in suburbs? How has the mid-twentieth century popular imaginary of the suburb as a white middle-class, automobile den clave been written other wise across varied experiences of racialization, diaspora, and generation–and in the era of fossil-fuelled climate change? What histories are disrupted, and which are forged in suburban lives and spaces? What other places and social lives are relationally entangled in the suburbs–in social connections, in memory, in colonial displacements, and in material economies of labour, production, consumption, waste, and emissions? How are suburban arrivals and departures–and pasts and futures–narrated? What poetic practices engage suburban form and its social relations?

Please use the ACCUTE Online Submission Form to submit your 300-500 word proposal, a 100-word abstract and a brief biographical note.

Deadline: Friday, November 17, 2023

Photo by Alex Ramon on Unsplash